It has been a year since the world population is living an unprecedented time of social distancing and sheltering in place due to the COVID-19 pandemic. To contain the spread of the outbreak, many countries continue to promote self-quarantine, temporary closing of businesses which may affect normal food-related practices. Restaurants and take-away food locations are limited and some fresh food items are becoming less available. In stressful time, humans have a tendency to go into survival mode; which can lead to increased consumption of the unhealthiest foods that are highly processed, low in nutrients, high in calories, fats, sugars and salt. However, in time as this good nutrition is critical for health to support the immune system which might need to fight back. However, even with few and limited options, it is possible to maintain eating pattern that supports good health.
The following are 3 foods and nutrition tips to follow during COVID-19: 1. Plan
Define every aspect of food intake by planning out a menu for a week or two in advance, it will help establish some structure and keep stress under control. Choose foods that are: 1) healthy, 2) non-perishable and 3) quick and easy to make. Meal planning always starts with the pantry. Before heading out to the market or placing online orders for delivery make a list of what is available at home. Check the refrigerator and freezer for foods that need to be used up and get creative. Having a plan will help eliminate or minimize unnecessary trips to the grocery store. 2. Prioritize
First, prioritize fresh products over non-perishable products. If fresh products continue to be available use them first. Freeze any leftovers for another meal to avoid food waste. Second, prioritize water intake by staying hydrated throughout the day. Keep a pitcher of water or place water bottles in strategic locations such as kitchen counters, in front of TV, bedside table, and set a goal to finish them by the end of the day. Set reminders to drink water during busy time when working at home. Third, make safe food handling practices a priority because only safe food is healthy food. It is important to follow good food hygiene practices when preparing food to avoid contamination and food borne illnesses. Basic principles for handling food safely include:
Clean: keep hands, kitchen, surfaces and utensils clean. As well as the usage of clean safe water.
Separate: separate raw from cooked food, avoid cross-contamination.
Cook: cook food to the right temperature.
Chill: Refrigerate promptly
3. Reduce or Redirect
Reduce excess snacking throughout the day by redirect focus on other non-food related activities. For example, engage in household project, music, reading, journaling, self-care, relationship building, and/or the outdoors. Use this time to develop regularity in eating. Give the stomach some careful attention by letting it rest in between meals. “After the stomach has done its work for one meal, do not crowd more work upon it before it has had a chance to rest and before a sufficient supply of gastric juice is provided by nature to care for more food” (White, 1896). Learn to recognize personal hunger signals, take time out away from the screens (tv, tablets, telephones) to eat. Choose smaller portions to stay within recommended calorie needs. Use smaller plates, bowls and glasses to help keep portions under control.
List of Foods to Keep at Home
Hickman, K. (2020). Top 15 Nutrition Tips During Quarantine. Eat This, Not That!
Retrieved from
Klemm, S. (2020). Getting groceries during quarantine. Academy of Nutrition and
Dietetics. Retrieved from
White. E.G. (1896). Counsels on Diet and Foods. Regularity in Eating. Retrieved from
World Health Organization-WHO (2020). Food and nutrition tips during self-quarantine.