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3 Tips to Achieve Your Goals

Updated: Nov 25, 2022

We are halfway into the year. It is a good time to evaluate our goals, where we are, what’s working, do we need to change strategy? Do we need a reset? Don’t wait until the last quarter to adjust. I want to share with you 3 small actions that I have put in place this year that have given me a lot of good results with reaching my goals. They are easy to implement and can be applied in all aspects of life. Before we get into the tips, let's quickly review SMART Goals.

SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-Bound. See images.

We have briefly reviewed SMART goals, now the 3 tips to help you achieve them.

1. Write Down Your Daily Schedule

I had moved away from this because it was difficult to follow a well-defined schedule with small children. At one point, we had three children under 5 years old. They grow up fast, my youngest turned three years old recently. This year, I went back to writing down my daily schedule, putting it in a laminated page and keeping it where I can see it. I updated my schedule to reflect the summer period, it looks different than during the school year. Having a written plan provides clarity and defines the objectives for my day.

2. Schedule Something That Helps You Stay Healthy Daily

No matter how busy your day gets, you need to make time to take care of yourself. Block out time on your calendar for something that helps you stay healthy. It could be eating healthy foods, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, talking to a friend, reading a good book, practicing good hygiene, meditating, and praying. This year I am reading more. (The July blog post will be on the health benefits of reading - look out for it). Schedule that special time for your health and don’t cancel it. Treat it the same way you schedule a date with someone you love. Loving yourself is a form of self-respect.

3. Time Your Activities or Chores

Have you ever tried to calculate how long your activity or work really takes? I encourage you to try it! To control your day, you need to know the time of day. Remember, seconds turn into minutes, minutes into hours, hours into days, days into weeks, and so on. Knowing how you are spending your time place you in a better position to redirect your focus. For example, if one of your goals for the year is to get enough sleep, and you have not been able to do so. Going back to the first tip, what takes your time, keeps you busy, causes you to have less time to sleep. Once you know, try to figure out how long this activity takes. And make changes accordingly.

The practical thing is that you do not have to follow the 3 tips to perfection. Although I recommend that you do your best to stay close to your writing plan when you are just starting out, and gradually you’ll develop the confidence and knowledge to stay on track. I wish you endurance to finish well!

What is working for you this year?

Healthy regards,


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