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Lessons from St. Elmo Ghost Town

Updated: Nov 25, 2022

A ghost town is an abandoned town with few or no remaining residents. A town often becomes a ghost town because the economic activity that supported it has failed or ended for any reason like political or climate. In the case of St. Elmo, nearly 2,000 people settled there when mining for gold and silver started in the 1800s. By the early 1900s, many of the mines were depleted, and miners gradually moved out of the area. The railroad continued to run until 1922 and according to Legends of America, the rest of St. Elmo’s population rode the last train out of town, never to return. And by 1958 it was a virtual ghost town.

Over the years, I have developed a love for history and the lessons we can learn from it. There are several lessons we can learn from this ghost town.

First, everything we have in life that is special, such as our relationship with God/family members/friends, our careers, life goals, if we walk away from them and no one to take over for us, all will disappear. Today, we have the expression ghosting - the practice of ending a personal relationship with someone suddenly and without explanation withdrawing from all communication. Sometimes, it’s good to ghost someone or a situation. This helps to move away from hurt/pain faster, and we don't have to give any explanation.

Second, whatever we have in life that is special, if we do not protect it, it will be destroyed. To care and to protect. We not only have to nurture our relationship, we also have to keep it safe. That’s where ghosting can be good to keep something private in your life. It's important to know when, who, why, you are ghosting. After years of ghosting though, some things will change. And if you choose to go back, it will require some intentional actions. Only in our relationship with God, where going back is just a prayer away. For our family members/friends, our career, words must match our actions. Know that things might never be the same, but taking the time and the willingness to restore what was damaged is worth it. I believe we can ghost everyone, but we should never ghost God.

Third, it’s not over until you say it's over. What makes this town interesting is that there are a few residents, and some nonprofit organizations, they put a lot of effort into keeping it in good condition. Today, St. Elmo is one of the best-preserved ghost towns in the West and the entire district was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1979. And one of the highlights of the town is being able to feed chipmunks. My children had a great time feeding them.

Lastly, a beautiful road does not always lead to a beautiful destination. The drive up to St. Elmo ghost town is very beautiful. But when you arrive there, it is empty. Reminds me of success but in reverse - the road is not always beautiful, but the destination is always beautiful. Stay the course.

Have you visited a ghost town? Any other lessons you can learn from this town?

Healthy regards,

Photo Credit: Francisque Family, May 2022

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