Hiking is one of the world's most popular outdoor recreational activities. Hiking is walking or marching in a natural environment. It is a simple, convenient, and economical form of exercise that requires no special equipment (2020). Since hiking normally takes place outdoors, it is a form of “ecotherapy” also known as nature therapy. Nature activities help reduce stress, which promote healthier and happier lives.
Health Benefits
As a recreational outdoor activity, you can enjoy going at your own pace, walk as fast as you want, and go as far as you want. Concomitantly, hiking is also a powerful cardio workout that promotes health benefits such as:
Lower your risk of heart disease.
Improve your blood pressure and blood sugar levels.
Boost bone density, since walking is a weight-bearing exercise.
Build strength in your glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, and the muscles in your hips and lower legs.
Strengthen your core.
Improve balance.
Help control your weight
Things to Consider
Like with every physical activity, it is important to consult with your healthcare provider before starting a new program. Remember to start slow, go on short, local hikes and gradually work up to more challenging trails with hills and uneven terrain. Get a good pair of tennis or hiking shoes or boots. Some people use hiking poles, which help to redistribute the body’s weight, to reduce pressure on the knees and back. The poles increase stability and balance, and they also promote better posture which improves lung capacity. You can hike alone, but I find it more enjoyable and safer to go with a partner or with a group. Some people hike with their dogs.
Where To Find Hiking Trails
Most recreational parks (national, states or local) have designated hiking areas for the public to explore. When you are there, stay on the dedicated path to do your part to keep safe and also help maintain and protect the integrity of the natural habitat. There is a great fitness app called “AllTrails'' aimed at helping you easily locate hiking trails near you. The app developers “believe everyone has a right to the outdoors, including future generations”.
I started hiking regularly 5 years ago. I was 2 months postpartum with my second child, our oldest was 2 years old, and my husband suggested we start spending more time in nature. Our first hike was at Starved Rock State Park in Illinois. Hiking has been one of our favorite outdoor activities. One of our recent hikes last month was St. Mary’s Glacier, located in the Arapaho National Forest in Idaho Springs, Colorado. We (our three children included) tried to go up there last year (June 2020) almost halfway, it started raining, we didn’t have rain gear, as a result, we ended up cutting our hike short.

Last month we went back; St. Mary’s Glacier is a 1.5 miles hike up the rocky mountain through a beautiful forest. Even though it was a cloudy afternoon, the view was spectacular, pictures can’t fully convey its majesty. In addition to spectacular views, nature activities improve mental and physical health through being outdoors which boost growth and healing. When I am on the trail, I am always reminded by all the beauty around me. One of the great reminders from St. Mary's Glacier hike is that difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations.
Try hiking to boost your mood. Gregory A. Miller, PhD, president of the American Hiking Society stated "research shows that hiking has a positive impact on combating the symptoms of stress and anxiety, being in nature is ingrained in our DNA, and we sometimes forget that. (2013)."
Abt, S. "cycling". Encyclopedia Britannica, 7 Feb. 2020. Retrieved from https://www.britannica.com/sports/cycling. Accessed 2 August 2021.
Robinson, KM. (2013). How Hiking is Good for Body and Mind. Retrieved from https://www.webmd.com/fitness-exercise/features/hiking-body-mind